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Men's Health - Kingdom Men!

L.I.F.E. & Wellness 

Self-Care for Mind, Body, & Spirit!

Enjoy more plant powered meals and eat less meat!

November is Diabetes Awareness Month 2023 -a (3).jpg

M.W.W. - Men Walking for Wellness

 - Mind, Body & Spirit.

(Joshua 1 & 6)

Calling all Men to Walk it Off!

Walk off...stress, fear, doubt, extra body weight, anger, aggression, rage, addictions and poor health!

Walk to... freedom, faith, grace, victory, patience, healing, restoration and peace of mind!


Calling all men to walk together for Wellness before or during or after your worship service.

Join men all around the world by logging on to the International Health Commission.

What you eat and how much you eat is choice.

God has given us the power through Holy Spirit to control our appetite.

Why do we encourage men to over eat?

Why do we encourage overeating and poor food choices at church?

Why is hard to offer healthy food choices at church events?

What we eat is directly related to our health...good health and poor health.

Healthy food choices can turn off bad genes and poor food choices can turn on bad genes and sickness.

Enjoy food while making keeping your health in mind.

Your health is important to God, your ministry and your family!

For Married Men Only

Sex and your Health!

God created sex for married men and women to enjoy. However, unhealthy food choices and lack of physical fitness can hinder a happy sex life.

Instead of searching for the next new pill - try more whole plant-based foods, blueberries, and more to promote overall health and wellness!

1. Eat more vegetables and fruits daily. Purchase a juicer - juice together green leafy veggies, blueberries and hemp protein powder to promote proper blood circulation and fight disease. 

Try MACA powder or Maca tablets. Maca is a natural root vegetable found in South America. Maca research indicates it helps balance hormones in both males and females; helps with ED, improve energy and address impotency.

If you try MACA follow the directions and use as directed.

If you take blood pressure medication or medication for Erectile Dysfunction or if you are allergic Ginseng or take medication that is contraindicated for Ginseng do NOT try Maca to prevent drug interactions. 

If you take medication and want to try MACA talk your doctor first and do your research to prevent drug interactions or unhealthy drop in blood pressure.

Maca is not recommended for pregnant and nursing mothers.

Try Nature's Harvest - All natural Green Whole-Food and Super Food Instant Beverage Mix.

2. Incorporate daily physical fitness for 60 minutes everyday - walk, dance, swim or play a recreational sport to promote proper blood circulation and achieve your healthy body weight.

3.  Drink water as a beverage with meals and between meals. Soda and sweet tea only add extra weight to the body. Try seltzer water and fresh fruit slices if you like bubbles. Diet soda may not have calories however it is not reducing the obesity problem.

4. Pray with and pray for your spouse. Enjoy sex as a gift from God and for all the benefits God intended - exercise for married couples, stress reduction, and a wonderful expression of mutual love, respect, and to promote good health, and overall well-being

Put your Faith in Action!

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